Try to survive from Electrons attack and collect Protons to be the strongest player of the world.
Feel an Atom which is the main component of everything even human body. Do not miss any update to experience with different elements in Science.
Atom Attack do not need any special permissions which can make you questioned about security.
Interactive achievements will give you more opportunity to explore the game and to get them all.
Beat your friends scores and survive more to reach to the top in Leaderboard.
Like our facebook page to participate different competitions. " "
Cobalah untuk bertahan hidup dari serangan Elektron dan mengumpulkan Proton menjadi pemain terkuat dunia.
Merasakan Atom yang merupakan komponen utama dari segala sesuatu bahkan tubuh manusia. Jangan lewatkan setiap pembaruan untuk pengalaman dengan berbagai elemen di Science.
Atom Serangan tidak memerlukan izin khusus yang dapat membuat Anda mempertanyakan tentang keamanan.
Prestasi interaktif akan memberi Anda lebih banyak kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi permainan dan untuk mendapatkan mereka semua.
Mengalahkan teman skor Anda dan bertahan lebih untuk mencapai puncak di Papan.
Seperti halaman facebook kami untuk berpartisipasi kompetisi yang berbeda. ""
Try to survive from Electrons attack and collect Protons to be the strongest player of the world.
Feel an Atom which is the main component of everything even human body. Do not miss any update to experience with different elements in Science.
Atom Attack do not need any special permissions which can make you questioned about security.
Interactive achievements will give you more opportunity to explore the game and to get them all.
Beat your friends scores and survive more to reach to the top in Leaderboard.
Like our facebook page to participate different competitions. " "